Building the NFL Standings Table
2021 NFL Standings & Team Ratings
Easy Moderate Difficult Most Difficult
Table created by: Kyle Cuilla @kc_analytics with {reactablefmtr} • Data:
Get the data
The data was pulled from Pro Football Reference. PFR has their own proprietary method of rating teams through their Simple Rating System (SRS). Each team has an offensive SRS, a defensive SRS, and an overall SRS. PFR also uses SRS to calculate each team’s Strength of Schedule (SOS). Additional metrics that are in the dataset are the total points scored, total points allowed, and the average margin of victory.
The data was pulled and tidied in a format that would be able to
directly into the final table. The team logos were added to the dataset
from the {nflfastR} package. The
code used to pull and tidy the data can be found in vignettes/nfl_standings.Rmd
Here is how the data appears in a basic {reactable} table:
Apply a theme to the table
There are over 20 built-in themes
in {reactablefmtr}. To apply a theme to a {reactable} table, simply
reference the name of the theme within
Below, we are applying the fivethirtyeight()
inspired by 538. Additional
customization options are available within each theme, such as
which vertically centers the content of each cell
when set to TRUE.
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11)
Merge cells and add borders to groups
We will begin with the first column in the table, “Division”, and work our way from left-to-right.
If you sort on the Division column in the final table, you will notice that borders appear between each division and similar divisions are merged together. If you sort by any other column in the table, the borders disappear and the divisions become unmerged.
To achieve this, we will need to use two built-in formatters from {reactablefmtr}.
The first is called group_border_sort()
and needs to be
placed within rowStyle
parameter of {reactable}. With
, you just need to specify the name of
the column you would like to merge on sort. You are able to specify up
to four columns at a time.
The second is called group_merge_sort()
. This merges
similar values together when sorting and needs to be placed within the
parameter of colDef()
Note: Credit for both of these functions goes to Greg Lin, creator of the {reactable} package. Greg wrote the JavaScript version of these functions in the {reactable} Demo Cookbook. The {reactablefmtr} version of these functions make them easy to use in R without needing to modify the JavaScript code.
data %>%
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11),
defaultSorted = "Division",
# add border between groups when sorting by the Division column
rowStyle = group_border_sort("Division"),
columns = list(
Division = colDef(
name = "Div.",
# hide rows containing duplicate values on sort
style = group_merge_sort("Division")
Render team logos
There are two ways to render the team logos from their image address
within {reactablefmtr}. The first way is outlined here
by utilizing embed_img()
. The way we will be using for this
table will be with background_img()
. The advantage to using
is that we can adjust the aspect of the
images without stretching the size of the cells of the table.
data %>%
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11),
defaultSorted = "Division",
# add border between groups when sorting by the Division column
rowStyle = group_border_sort("Division"),
columns = list(
Division = colDef(
name = "Div.",
# hide rows containing duplicate values on sort
style = group_merge_sort("Division")
team_logo_espn = colDef(
name = "",
maxWidth = 30,
sortable = FALSE,
# render team logos from their image address
style = background_img()
By default, the height and width of the image is 100% and fits within the cell. However, we can create the effect of “zooming-in” on the images by providing a height and width greater than 100%:
Note: you likely will need to adjust the maxWidth
achieve the image aspect you are looking for.
data %>%
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11),
defaultSorted = "Division",
# add border between groups when sorting by the Division column
rowStyle = group_border_sort("Division"),
columns = list(
Division = colDef(
name = "Div.",
# hide rows containing duplicate values on sort
style = group_merge_sort("Division")
team_logo_espn = colDef(
name = "",
maxWidth = 50,
sortable = FALSE,
# render team logos from their image address and increase their size
style = background_img(height = "200%", width = "125%")
Merge and stack two columns together
To combine the “Team” column with the “Record” column, we can use the
formatter. By default, the column that is
being merged to the column you’re operating in will be placed on the
right-hand side. By changing the merged_position
“below”, it’ll be placed below. There are also a few options available
to style each column individually.
Note: the merged column, “Record”, will still appear in the table
as it’s own column. To hide this column, set show = FALSE
within colDef()
data %>%
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11),
defaultSorted = "Division",
# add border between groups when sorting by the Division column
rowStyle = group_border_sort("Division"),
columns = list(
Division = colDef(
name = "Div.",
# hide rows containing duplicate values on sort
style = group_merge_sort("Division")
team_logo_espn = colDef(
name = "",
maxWidth = 75,
sortable = FALSE,
# render team logos from their image address and increase their size
style = background_img(height = "200%", width = "125%")
Team = colDef(
minWidth = 100,
# merge the "Record" column with the "Team" column and place it below
cell = merge_column(., "Record", merged_position = "below"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
Record = colDef(show = FALSE)
Conditionally style the playoffs column
For the playoffs column, we can use the pill_buttons()
formatter to conditionally assign the color red to teams that did not
make the playoffs and the color green to teams that did make the
playoffs. The method we will use to do that is by creating a new column
within the dataset called “playoff_cols” which uses {dplyr}’s
to conditionally assign the colors. Once this
column is created, then we can reference this column within
by listing the name of the column in
. The opacity of the colors can be adjusted by
providing a value between 0 to 1 with a value of 0 being fully
transparent and a value of 1 being fully opaque.
Note: since we added a new column, “playoff_cols”, to the dataset,
it will appear in the table unless we hide it with
show = FALSE
data %>%
playoff_cols = case_when(Playoffs == "Yes" ~ "darkgreen",
TRUE ~ "red")
) %>%
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11),
defaultSorted = "Division",
# add border between groups when sorting by the Division column
rowStyle = group_border_sort("Division"),
columns = list(
Division = colDef(
name = "Div.",
# hide rows containing duplicate values on sort
style = group_merge_sort("Division")
team_logo_espn = colDef(
name = "",
maxWidth = 75,
sortable = FALSE,
# render team logos from their image address and increase their size
style = background_img(height = "200%", width = "125%")
Team = colDef(
minWidth = 100,
# merge the "Record" column with the "Team" column and place it below
cell = merge_column(., "Record", merged_position = "below"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
Record = colDef(show = FALSE),
Playoffs = colDef(
maxWidth = 70,
align = "center",
cell = pill_buttons(., color_ref = "playoff_cols", opacity = 0.7),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
playoff_cols = colDef(show = FALSE)
Assign icons using {reactablefmtr}’s built-in icon sets
For the Strength of Schedule (SOS) column, there are four levels of
difficulty. To assign a unique icon to each level of difficulty, we can
use the built-in icon sets within icon_sets()
to do the
work for us. The icon set we’ll use is the “ski rating” set which is
based off of the ski trail rating difficulties.
There are multiple ways to position the icons within each cell. We will use the icon position “over”, which hides the numbers within the column and displays the icons only.
Note: the alignment of the icons within the column can be
controlled by setting align
to either “left”, “right”, or
data %>%
playoff_cols = case_when(Playoffs == "Yes" ~ "darkgreen",
TRUE ~ "red")
) %>%
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11),
defaultSorted = "Division",
# add border between groups when sorting by the Division column
rowStyle = group_border_sort("Division"),
columns = list(
Division = colDef(
name = "Div.",
# hide rows containing duplicate values on sort
style = group_merge_sort("Division")
team_logo_espn = colDef(
name = "",
maxWidth = 75,
sortable = FALSE,
# render team logos from their image address and increase their size
style = background_img(height = "200%", width = "125%")
Team = colDef(
minWidth = 100,
# merge the "Record" column with the "Team" column and place it below
cell = merge_column(., "Record", merged_position = "below"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
Record = colDef(show = FALSE),
Playoffs = colDef(
maxWidth = 70,
align = "center",
# conditionally assign colors from pre-defined column
cell = pill_buttons(., color_ref = "playoff_cols", opacity = 0.7),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
playoff_cols = colDef(show = FALSE),
SOS = colDef(
maxWidth = 47,
align = "center",
# assign built-in icon set to values
cell = icon_sets(., icon_set = "ski rating", icon_position = "over"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
Add bar charts
For the points forward (PF) and points against (PA) columns, we can
use data_bars()
to add a bar chart to each column. There
are many ways to style
the bar charts. We will be using box_shadow
to create a
“3-D” effect on the bars:
data %>%
playoff_cols = case_when(Playoffs == "Yes" ~ "darkgreen",
TRUE ~ "red")
) %>%
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11),
defaultSorted = "Division",
# add border between groups when sorting by the Division column
rowStyle = group_border_sort("Division"),
columns = list(
Division = colDef(
name = "Div.",
# hide rows containing duplicate values on sort
style = group_merge_sort("Division")
team_logo_espn = colDef(
name = "",
maxWidth = 75,
sortable = FALSE,
# render team logos from their image address and increase their size
style = background_img(height = "200%", width = "125%")
Team = colDef(
minWidth = 100,
# merge the "Record" column with the "Team" column and place it below
cell = merge_column(., "Record", merged_position = "below"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
Record = colDef(show = FALSE),
Playoffs = colDef(
maxWidth = 70,
align = "center",
# conditionally assign colors from pre-defined column
cell = pill_buttons(., color_ref = "playoff_cols", opacity = 0.7),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
playoff_cols = colDef(show = FALSE),
SOS = colDef(
maxWidth = 47,
align = "center",
# assign built-in icon set to values
cell = icon_sets(., icon_set = "ski rating", icon_position = "over"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
PF = colDef(
maxWidth = 180,
# add data bars with a shadow
cell = data_bars(., text_size = 13, box_shadow = TRUE)
PA = colDef(
maxWidth = 180,
# add data bars with a shadow
cell = data_bars(., text_size = 13, box_shadow = TRUE)
Conditionally assign colors to text
Earlier, we conditionally assigned colors to the background of
within the “Playoffs” column. We can use a
similar approach to conditionally assign colors to the text within
for the “MoV” column.
We first need to create a column with the color assignments by
conditionally assigning a green color to any positive MoV values and a
red color to any negative MoV values. We then can reference this column
within text_color_ref
of pill_buttons()
The default background of pill_buttons()
is a dark-blue
color. Since we only want to show the text within the column, we can
completely hide the background by setting the
colors = "transparent
and decreasing the opacity to 0 with
opacity = 0
We can also assign a “+” sign to the positive values by creating a
function within number_fmt
to add the “+” sign and trim the
decimal places to 1.
Note: remember that since we created a new column (“mov_cols”)
containing the conditional text assignments, it will appear in our table
unless we set it to show = FALSE
data %>%
mov_cols = case_when(MoV >= 0 ~ "darkgreen",
TRUE ~ "red"),
playoff_cols = case_when(Playoffs == "Yes" ~ "darkgreen",
TRUE ~ "red")
) %>%
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11),
defaultSorted = "Division",
# add border between groups when sorting by the Division column
rowStyle = group_border_sort("Division"),
columns = list(
Division = colDef(
name = "Div.",
# hide rows containing duplicate values on sort
style = group_merge_sort("Division")
team_logo_espn = colDef(
name = "",
maxWidth = 75,
sortable = FALSE,
# render team logos from their image address and increase their size
style = background_img(height = "200%", width = "125%")
Team = colDef(
minWidth = 100,
# merge the "Record" column with the "Team" column and place it below
cell = merge_column(., "Record", merged_position = "below"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
Record = colDef(show = FALSE),
Playoffs = colDef(
maxWidth = 70,
align = "center",
# conditionally assign colors from pre-defined column
cell = pill_buttons(., color_ref = "playoff_cols", opacity = 0.7),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
playoff_cols = colDef(show = FALSE),
SOS = colDef(
maxWidth = 47,
align = "center",
# assign built-in icon set to values
cell = icon_sets(., icon_set = "ski rating", icon_position = "over"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
PF = colDef(
maxWidth = 180,
# add data bars with a shadow
cell = data_bars(., text_size = 13, box_shadow = TRUE)
PA = colDef(
maxWidth = 180,
# add data bars with a shadow
cell = data_bars(., text_size = 13, box_shadow = TRUE)
MoV = colDef(
maxWidth = 80,
# conditionally colored text
cell = pill_buttons(., number_fmt = function(value) sprintf("%+0.1f", value), colors = "transparent", opacity = 0, bold_text = TRUE, text_color_ref = "mov_cols"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
mov_cols = colDef(show = FALSE)
Add color tiles
For the final three columns (“OSRS”, “DSRS”, “SRS”), we can easily
apply color tiles with a default blue-to-orange color palette using
within the cell argument of
. The box_shadow
option that we used to
create a “3-D” effect for the data_bars()
is also available
within color_tiles()
and set to TRUE here.
The bias
option is related to the spacing of the color
palette. The default bias value is set to 1 which assigns an equal
spacing of blue-to-orange colors to low-to-high values. If we provide a
number greater than 1, it will space out the colors at the higher end
and shrink the color spacing at the lower end. A number less than 1 will
give the opposite effect. A method of determining what value of bias to
use would be to look at the distribution of data within that column. For
the “OSRS” column, there is a wider range of positive values vs negative
values, so setting the bias value to a number greater than 1 may better
display the distribution of the data within that column since the higher
values will be spaced out more than the lower values.
For additional customization options please see the
tutorial here.
table <- data %>%
mov_cols = case_when(MoV >= 0 ~ "darkgreen",
TRUE ~ "red"),
playoff_cols = case_when(Playoffs == "Yes" ~ "darkgreen",
TRUE ~ "red")
) %>%
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11),
defaultSorted = "Division",
# add border between groups when sorting by the Division column
rowStyle = group_border_sort("Division"),
columns = list(
Division = colDef(
name = "Div.",
# hide rows containing duplicate values on sort
style = group_merge_sort("Division")
team_logo_espn = colDef(
name = "",
maxWidth = 75,
sortable = FALSE,
# render team logos from their image address and increase their size
style = background_img(height = "200%", width = "125%")
Team = colDef(
minWidth = 100,
# merge the "Record" column with the "Team" column and place it below
cell = merge_column(., "Record", merged_position = "below"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
Record = colDef(show = FALSE),
Playoffs = colDef(
maxWidth = 70,
align = "center",
# conditionally assign colors from pre-defined column
cell = pill_buttons(., color_ref = "playoff_cols", opacity = 0.7),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
playoff_cols = colDef(show = FALSE),
SOS = colDef(
maxWidth = 47,
align = "center",
# assign built-in icon set to values
cell = icon_sets(., icon_set = "ski rating", icon_position = "over"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
PF = colDef(
maxWidth = 180,
# add data bars with a shadow
cell = data_bars(., text_size = 13, box_shadow = TRUE)
PA = colDef(
maxWidth = 180,
# add data bars with a shadow
cell = data_bars(., text_size = 13, box_shadow = TRUE)
MoV = colDef(
maxWidth = 80,
# conditionally colored text
cell = pill_buttons(., number_fmt = function(value) sprintf("%+0.1f", value), colors = "transparent", opacity = 0, bold_text = TRUE, text_color_ref = "mov_cols"),
# add a solid border to the right-hand side of the column
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
mov_cols = colDef(show = FALSE),
OSRS = colDef(
maxWidth = 55,
# add color tiles with a shadow
cell = color_tiles(., bias = 1.3, box_shadow = TRUE)
DSRS = colDef(
maxWidth = 55,
# add color tiles with a shadow
cell = color_tiles(., bias = 0.6, box_shadow = TRUE)
SRS = colDef(
maxWidth = 55,
# add color tiles with a shadow
cell = color_tiles(., bias = 0.7, box_shadow = TRUE)
Include a legend
Now that we have each column of the table formatted and styled, we can work on adding a few final touches.
The first would be to add a legend for the icon set we used in the
“SOS” column. This makes it easier to understand what each icon
signifies. All we need to do is include add_icon_legend()
below the table and specify the icon set that we used (ski rating). Each
unique icon set within icon_sets()
has their own legend
within add_icon_legend()
By default, the labels next to each icon have already been written.
If we wanted to change those labels to show some other text, we could do
so by specifying the four labels within the labels
Alternatively, we could choose to hide the text labels next to the icons
by setting show_labels
table %>%
add_icon_legend(icon_set = "ski rating")
Easy Moderate Difficult Most Difficult
Add a title and source
To add a title above the table, we can simply include
below the table with the title text we would
like to display.
To add a source below the table, we can follow a similar approach but
use add_source()
instead. There are multiple style options
available in both add_title()
. For the title, we are using
to increase the spacing between the title and the
table, and in the source we changed the font_size
table %>%
add_title("2021 NFL Standings & Team Ratings", margin = margin(0, 0, 10, 0)) %>%
add_icon_legend(icon_set = "ski rating") %>%
add_source("Table created by: Kyle Cuilla @kc_analytics with {reactablefmtr} • Data:", font_size = 12)
2021 NFL Standings & Team Ratings
Easy Moderate Difficult Most Difficult
Table created by: Kyle Cuilla @kc_analytics with {reactablefmtr} • Data:
Finishing touches
We have finished making edits to the table via {reactablefmtr}. There
are a few final touches we can add to the table through {reactable}’s
options, such as setting the pagination
to FALSE to show
the entire table output, creating group headers above the columns with
, and adjusting the width of each column to get
everything to fit as they should with maxWidth
. For additional options available in {reactable},
please see the {reactable} tutorial.
# Create table
data %>%
mov_cols = case_when(MoV >= 0 ~ "darkgreen",
TRUE ~ "red"),
playoff_cols = case_when(Playoffs == "Yes" ~ "darkgreen",
TRUE ~ "red")
) %>%
theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE, header_font_size = 11),
pagination = FALSE,
showSortIcon = FALSE,
highlight = TRUE,
compact = TRUE,
defaultSorted = "SRS",
defaultSortOrder = "desc",
columnGroups = list(
colGroup(name = "Team Rating (SRS)",
columns = c("SRS", "OSRS", "DSRS")),
colGroup(name = "Team Scoring & Margin of Victory",
columns = c("PF", "PA", "MoV"))
rowStyle = group_border_sort("Division"),
columns = list(
Division = colDef(
name = "Div.",
maxWidth = 85,
style = group_merge_sort("Division")
team_logo_espn = colDef(
name = "",
maxWidth = 75,
sortable = FALSE,
style = background_img(height = "200%", width = "125%")
Team = colDef(
minWidth = 100,
align = "left",
cell = merge_column(., "Record", merged_position = "below"),
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
Record = colDef(show = FALSE),
Playoffs = colDef(
maxWidth = 70,
align = "center",
cell = pill_buttons(., color_ref = "playoff_cols", opacity = 0.7),
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
playoff_cols = colDef(show = FALSE),
SOS = colDef(
maxWidth = 47,
align = "center",
cell = icon_sets(., icon_set = "ski rating", icon_position = "over"),
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
PF = colDef(
maxWidth = 180,
cell = data_bars(., text_size = 13, box_shadow = TRUE)
PA = colDef(
maxWidth = 180,
cell = data_bars(., text_size = 13, box_shadow = TRUE)
MoV = colDef(
maxWidth = 80,
cell = pill_buttons(., number_fmt = function(value) sprintf("%+0.1f", value), colors = "transparent", opacity = 0, bold_text = TRUE, text_color_ref = "mov_cols"
style = list(borderRight = "1px solid #777")
mov_cols = colDef(show = FALSE),
OSRS = colDef(
maxWidth = 55,
cell = color_tiles(., bias = 1.3, box_shadow = TRUE)
DSRS = colDef(
maxWidth = 55,
cell = color_tiles(., bias = 0.6, box_shadow = TRUE)
SRS = colDef(
maxWidth = 55,
cell = color_tiles(., bias = 0.7, box_shadow = TRUE)
) %>%
add_title("2021 NFL Standings & Team Ratings", margin = margin(0, 0, 10, 0)) %>%
add_icon_legend(icon_set = "ski rating") %>%
add_source("Table created by: Kyle Cuilla @kc_analytics with {reactablefmtr} • Data:", font_size = 12)
2021 NFL Standings & Team Ratings
Easy Moderate Difficult Most Difficult
Table created by: Kyle Cuilla @kc_analytics with {reactablefmtr} • Data: