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With reactablefmtr, we can easily apply color scales to columns within a table by using color_scales() within style of reactable::colDef().

By default a normalized orange-white-blue color scale is applied to the column.


data <- MASS::Cars93 %>% 
  filter(Type %in% c('Compact', 'Sporty', 'Van')) %>% 
  select(c('Make', 'Type', '', 'MPG.highway')) %>% 

  defaultSorted = 'MPG.highway',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  columns = list( = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data)
    MPG.highway = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data)

color_scales() customization options

Parameter Description Default Value
data name of data set NULL
colors color palette c(‘#15607A’,‘#FFFFFF’,‘#FA8C00’)
color_ref column containing color assignments NULL
color_by column containing value assignments NULL
opacity opaqueness of color palette 1
bias the spacing between colors 1
text_size the size of the text NULL
text_color the color of the text ‘black’
text_color_ref column containing text color assignments NULL
show_text show or hide text TRUE
brighten_text auto-adjust text color based on color of cell TRUE
brighten_text_color color of the auto-adjusted text color ‘white’
bold_text bold format text FALSE
span show as row-wise instead of column-wise FALSE
animation animation of color transitions on sort ‘background 1s ease’

Custom color palettes

If we want to show a different color palette than the default, we can call them within the colors argument like so:

my_color_pal = c('#e5f5e0', '#a1d99b', '#31a354')

  defaultSorted = 'MPG.highway',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  columns = list( = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data, colors = my_color_pal)
    MPG.highway = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data, colors = my_color_pal)

The opacity of the colors can be controlled by assigning a value between 0 (fully transparent) and 1 (fully opaque).

  defaultSorted = 'MPG.highway',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  columns = list( = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data, colors = my_color_pal, opacity = 0.5)
    MPG.highway = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data, colors = my_color_pal, opacity = 0.5)

We may also use color palettes from other packages, such as the ‘Mako’ color palette from the viridis package:


  defaultSorted = 'MPG.highway',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  columns = list( = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data, colors = viridis::mako(5))
    MPG.highway = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data, colors = viridis::mako(5))

Add a legend

add_legend() customization options

Parameter Description Default Value
data name of dataset NULL
col_name name of column containing numeric values NULL
bins number of bins to be displayed 5
colors color palette c(‘#15607A’,‘#FFFFFF’,‘#FA8C00’)
bias opaqueness of color palette 1
labels show or hide value labels TRUE
number_fmt the format of the values NULL
title the title above the legend NULL
footer the footer below the legend NULL
align align to the left or right of the table ‘right’

If you would like to add a legend for the color palette used within color_scales(), you can do so by including add_legend() below the table and listing the color palette used within color_scales(). If no color palette is defined by the user within add_legend(), it will show the default blue-to-orange color palette used in color_scales().

  defaultSorted = 'MPG.highway',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  columns = list(
    MPG.highway = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data)
) %>% 
  add_legend(data, col_name = 'MPG.highway')
  • 32
  • 30
  • 28
  • 25
  • 21

You can add a title and a footer to the legend with title and footer respectively:

  defaultSorted = 'MPG.highway',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  columns = list(
    MPG.highway = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data)
) %>% 
  add_legend(data, col_name = 'MPG.highway', title = 'MPG Highway', footer = 'Reported as of 1993')
MPG Highway
  • 32
  • 30
  • 28
  • 25
  • 21
Reported as of 1993

By default, the color palette is broken into 5 distinct bins. However, we can increase or decrease the number of color bins we would like to show in the legend by providing a number within bins:

  defaultSorted = 'MPG.highway',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  columns = list(
    MPG.highway = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data)
) %>% 
  add_legend(data, col_name = 'MPG.highway', title = 'MPG Highway', footer = 'Reported as of 1993', bins = 9)
MPG Highway
  • 32
  • 31
  • 30
  • 29
  • 28
  • 27
  • 25
  • 22
  • 21
Reported as of 1993

If you are using a different color palette than the default one provided, you can specify the color palette in the same way that you did within color_tiles():

  defaultSorted = 'MPG.highway',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  columns = list(
    MPG.highway = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data, colors = viridis::viridis(5))
) %>% 
  add_legend(data, col_name = 'MPG.highway', title = 'MPG Highway', footer = 'Reported as of 1993', colors = viridis::viridis(5))
MPG Highway
  • 32
  • 30
  • 28
  • 25
  • 21
Reported as of 1993

If the data within your column is not evenly distributed, you can set the color bias to lean more towards the higher values or lower values within the column with bias. Changing the bias within the legend is a good visual gauge of how the bias affects the distribution of colors within the column:

  defaultSorted = 'MPG.highway',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  columns = list(
    MPG.highway = colDef(
      style = color_scales(data, colors = viridis::viridis(5))
) %>% 
  add_legend(data, col_name = 'MPG.highway', title = 'MPG Highway', footer = 'Reported as of 1993', colors = viridis::viridis(5))
MPG Highway
  • 32
  • 30
  • 28
  • 25
  • 21
Reported as of 1993

Format numbers

To format the numbers within columns containing color_scales(), you can use any of the formats within reactable’s colFormat() argument:

  defaultSorted = 'MPG.highway',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  columns = list(
    MPG.highway = colDef(
      format = colFormat(suffix = ' mpg'),
      style = color_scales(data)

Conditional color assignments

Colors can be conditionally assigned to values based on another column by using color_ref.

In the example below, we assigned a blue color to Compact cars, a red color to Sporty cars, and a gold color to Vans using dplyr::case_when().

Then within color_scales(), we reference the name of the conditional column we just created to apply the colors to the values in and MPG.highway.

car_data <- data %>% 
  mutate(car_colors = dplyr::case_when(
  Type == 'Compact' ~ 'dodgerblue',
  Type == 'Sporty' ~ 'tomato',
  Type == 'Van' ~ 'gold',
  TRUE ~ 'other'

  defaultSorted = 'Type',
  columns = list( = colDef(style = color_scales(car_data, color_ref = 'car_colors')),
    MPG.highway = colDef(style = color_scales(car_data, color_ref = 'car_colors')),
    car_colors = colDef(show = FALSE))

We can further apply the conditional colors to the entire dataset by setting the style within defaultColDef:

  defaultSorted = 'Type',
  defaultColDef = colDef(
    style = color_scales(car_data, color_ref = 'car_colors')
  columns = list(car_colors = colDef(show = FALSE))

The same conditional coloring can be applied based on numeric conditions as well. For example, if we wanted to highlight which cars have an value of 23 or greater, we could use the same method as above but apply the conditions based on the column instead of the Type column.

car_data <- car_data %>% 
  mutate(mpg_colors = dplyr::case_when( >= 23 ~ 'darkgreen',
  TRUE ~ 'grey'

  defaultSorted = '',
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  defaultColDef = colDef(
    style = color_scales(car_data, color_ref = 'mpg_colors')
  columns = list(
    car_colors = colDef(show = FALSE),
    mpg_colors = colDef(show = FALSE))

Color assignments by another column

The color_by argument allows for color assignment based on the values in another column.

  columns = list(
    Make = colDef(style = color_scales(data, color_by = 'MPG.highway'))

To help clarify what values the colors represent, you can add a legend below the table:

  columns = list(
    Make = colDef(style = color_scales(data, color_by = 'MPG.highway'))
) %>% 
  add_legend(data, col_name = 'MPG.highway', title = 'MPG Highway', align = 'left')
MPG Highway
  • 21
  • 25
  • 28
  • 30
  • 32

Row-wise styling

By default, color_scales() conditionally assigns colors to values based on their relation to other values within that particular column. However, if the table you’re showing is row-wise data, such as average temperatures by month for each year, then it will be difficult to compare how temperatures compare in each month:

By including span = TRUE within our color_scales() formatter, we can conditionally assign colors to the values based on their relation to other values within the entire dataset, instead of within each column. Now our table displaying temperatures is much easier to read when comparing temperatures across months:

Note: the dataset for this example is sourced from the reactable demo cookbook

dimnames <- list(start(nottem)[1]:end(nottem)[1],
temps <- matrix(nottem, ncol = 12, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = dimnames)
temps <- as_tibble(temps, rownames = 'Year')
temppal <- c('#36a1d6', '#76b8de', '#a0bfd9', '#ffffff', '#d88359', '#d65440', '#c62c34')

  defaultColDef = colDef(
    style = color_scales(temps, span = TRUE, colors = temppal),
    minWidth = 50

If we only wanted to apply color scales to some of the months, we can do so by referencing either the numeric positions of the columns or the column names within span:

  defaultColDef = colDef(
    style = color_scales(temps, span = 4:7, colors = temppal),
    minWidth = 50))

Lastly, if you wanted to completely hide the text, you could do this by setting show_text = FALSE, which displays the table as a heatmap as shown below:

Note: by including cell = tooltip(), the values are still visible on hover and the format of the numbers can be specified with number_fmt.


population_data <- gapminder %>% 
  filter(continent == 'Americas') %>%
  mutate(country = as.character(country),
         year = paste0("'", str_sub(year, 3, 4))) %>% 
  select(country, year, lifeExp) %>%
  pivot_wider(names_from = year, values_from = lifeExp) 

  compact = TRUE,
  pagination = FALSE,
  showSortIcon = FALSE,
  defaultSorted = "'52",
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  defaultColDef = colDef(
    maxWidth = 50,
    align = 'center',
    cell = tooltip(number_fmt = scales::comma),
    style = color_scales(population_data, show_text = FALSE, span = TRUE)
  columns = list(
    country = colDef(
      maxWidth = 175,
      align = 'left'
) %>% 
  add_title('Average Life Expectancy') %>% 
  add_source('Data sourced from the {gapminder} package') 

Average Life Expectancy

Data sourced from the {gapminder} package

Text options

By default, the color of the text will auto-adjust based on the background color of the cell. To turn this feature off and set the text color to your own color, you can do so by setting brighten_text to FALSE and then setting the text color within text_color. You may also display the text in bold with bold_text.

  compact = TRUE,
  pagination = FALSE,
  showSortIcon = FALSE,
  defaultSorted = "'52",
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  defaultColDef = colDef(
    maxWidth = 50,
    align = 'center',
    cell = tooltip(number_fmt = scales::comma),
    style = color_scales(population_data, brighten_text = FALSE, text_color = 'grey', bold_text = TRUE, span = TRUE)
  columns = list(
    country = colDef(
      maxWidth = 175,
      align = 'left'
) %>% 
  add_title('Average Life Expectancy') %>% 
  add_source('Data sourced from the {gapminder} package') 

Average Life Expectancy

Data sourced from the {gapminder} package

To change the size of the text, you can do so with text_size.

  compact = TRUE,
  pagination = FALSE,
  showSortIcon = FALSE,
  defaultSorted = "'52",
  defaultSortOrder = 'desc',
  defaultColDef = colDef(
    maxWidth = 50,
    align = 'center',
    cell = tooltip(number_fmt = scales::comma),
    style = color_scales(population_data, text_size = 24, span = TRUE)
  columns = list(
    country = colDef(
      maxWidth = 175,
      align = 'left'
) %>% 
  add_title('Average Life Expectancy') %>% 
  add_source('Data sourced from the {gapminder} package') 

Average Life Expectancy

Data sourced from the {gapminder} package