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Source: FiveThirtyEight

Raw Data: modern_RAPTOR_by_team.csv

Cleaned Data: RAPTOR_by_team_19-20.csv

{reactablefmtr} elements used

  • embed_img() is used to display team logos in the TEAM column. Logo URL’s were imported to the cleaned dataset from {teamcolors}
  • icon_assign() is used to bucket the number of minutes played into five groups and display as stopwatch icons in the MIN column
  • color_scales() is used to conditionally color the cells in the three columns under OVERALL RAPTOR
  • data_bars() is used to display the data bars in the WAR column
  • fivethirtyeight() theme is used for the table theme


library(crosstalk) # for control filters

### load data from 538
data <- read.csv(file = "RAPTOR_by_team_19-20.csv")

### create shared dataset for crosstalk
crosstalk_data <- SharedData$new(data)

### crosstalk team filter
team_filter <- filter_select(
  id = "team",
  label = "TEAM",
  sharedData = crosstalk_data,
  group = ~ TEAM_NAME

### crosstalk conference filter
conference_filter <- filter_select(
  id = "conf",
  label = "CONFERENCE",
  sharedData = crosstalk_data,
  group = ~ CONFERENCE

### crosstalk minutes filter
minutes_filter <- filter_slider(
  id = "minutes",
  label = "MINUTES PLAYED",
  sharedData = crosstalk_data,
  column = ~ MIN,
  ticks = TRUE,
  dragRange = FALSE,
  step = 100,
  width = "50%"

### load font from google fonts
htmltools::tags$link(href = ",600,700&display=swap", rel = "stylesheet")

nba_table <-  reactable(
  theme = fivethirtyeight(centered = TRUE),
  compact = TRUE,
  ### add column group header
  columnGroups = list(
    colGroup(name = "OVERALL RAPTOR", columns = c("OFF","DEF","TOT"))
  showSortIcon = FALSE,
  searchable = TRUE,
  language = reactableLang(
    searchPlaceholder = "SEARCH FOR A PLAYER..."),
  defaultPageSize = 100,
  columns = list(
    TEAM_NAME = colDef(show = FALSE),
    CONFERENCE = colDef(show = FALSE),
    RANK = colDef(maxWidth = 55, name = ""),
    PLAYER = colDef(maxWidth = 225),
    ### add logos using embed_img()
    TEAM_LOGO = colDef(
      name = "TEAM",
      maxWidth = 70,
      align = "center",
      cell = embed_img(height = 25, width = 40)
    ### add icons using icon_assign()
    MIN = colDef(
      maxWidth = 85,
      align = "center",
      cell = icon_assign(
        icon = "stopwatch",
        fill_color = "#555555",
        buckets = 5
      style = list(borderRight = "1px dashed rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)")
    ### add color scales using color_scales()
    OFF = colDef(
      maxWidth = 60,
      cell = function(x)
        sprintf("%+0.1f", x),
      style = color_scales(data, colors = c("#fd84a9", "white", "#42c2ca"))
    ### add color scales using color_scales()
    DEF = colDef(
      maxWidth = 60,
      cell = function(x)
        sprintf("%+0.1f", x),
      style = color_scales(data, colors = c("#fd84a9", "white", "#42c2ca"))
    ### add color scales using color_scales()
    TOT = colDef(
      maxWidth = 60,
      cell = function(x)
        sprintf("%+0.1f", x),
      style = color_scales(data, colors = c("#fd84a9", "white", "#42c2ca"))
    ### add bars using data_bars_pos_neg()
    WAR = colDef(
      maxWidth = 280,
      align = "center",
      cell = data_bars(
        fill_color = c("#fd84a9", "#fee6ed", "#d9f2f4", "#42c2ca"),
        number_fmt = scales::number_format(accuracy = 0.1)
      style = list(borderLeft = "1px dashed rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3)")

### display crosstalk filters
  widths = c(4, NA, NA),

### display table