Use `add_icon_legend()` to place a legend below a reactable table. The legend can be used to display the icon set used within `icon_sets()`. The legend can be aligned to the right or left of the table. Custom labels can be applied to the upper and lower bounds of the legend.
table = NULL,
icon_set = NULL,
show_labels = TRUE,
labels = NULL,
align = "right",
title = NULL,
footer = NULL,
margin = NULL
- table
A reactable table.
- icon_set
The icon set to be displayed in the legend. Options are "ski rating", "medals", and "batteries". Default is NULL.
- show_labels
Logical. Show or hide the labels next to the legend. Default is TRUE.
- labels
Assign label to each icon in the specified icon set. Number of labels must match the number of icons in the icon set. Default is NULL.
- align
The horizontal alignment of the legend. Options are 'left' or 'right'. Default is 'right'.
- title
The title above the legend. Default is NULL.
- footer
The footer below the legend. Default is NULL.
- margin
Use margin() to set the margin around the legend (top, right, bottom, left). Default is NULL.
if (FALSE) {
## Create the reactable table and then pipe in the legend
data <- iris[10:29, ]
table <- reactable(data,
columns = list(Petal.Length = colDef(
cell = icon_sets(data, icon_set = "medals"))))
table %>%
add_icon_legend(icon_set = "medals")
## The legend can be aligned to the left or right of the table
table %>%
add_icon_legend(icon_set = "medals", align = "left")
## Add custom labels to each icon in the legend
table %>%
add_icon_legend(icon_set = "medals", labels = c("Shortest Length","Avg Length","Longest Length"))
## Add a title and footer to the legend
table %>%
add_icon_legend(icon_set = "medals", title = "Icon Legend Title", footer = "Icon Legend Footer")